Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Great-Uncle On Secret Mission 4 Apr 1942

We don't know anything and just hope that he comes home safely.  Meanwhile at home, meat prices have risen and you really don't get as much for your 1/2 at the butcher's anymore; and there were no sausages this week either.  I'm really cross with Ted, Bill and Maggie as all the ham I got this week has gone already.  They'll have to have jam sandwiches tomorrow!

                                                                Wot no meat!

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Japanese Attack Pearl Harbour 7 Dec 1941

I can't believe that this has happened.  As if we didn't have enough to cope with in Europe, now we have to deal with Japan as well.

At least we now have some American food - Spam is great in a pie with egg (which we have plenty of, thanks to Ted).  A GI also gave us some peanut butter, which Maggie and the Nameless One are particular fond of.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Chickens 6 May 1941

And here is Ted helping with the chickens.  He had a lovely time and we now have 6 extra eggs.  I think a cake would be nice.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Wot No Cheese?  5 May 1941

Cheese is rationed at 1oz per person. It really isn't enough to do anything with it. So no cheese sandwiches at the moment but I should be able to make a macaroni cheese. Ted's going to help a lady at church with her chickens in return for eggs. So I can throw an egg in for extra protein.

                                                         Wot no cheese!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

London is Bombed  7 Sep 1940

First major air raid on London today.  I've had to remind Ted, Bill and Maggie about taking the gas mask cases with them every time they go out.  They can be so forgetful.  The Nameless One is complaining about the food but the children seem happy enough.  Maggie won a jar of sweets at the Church Fayre yesterday - she was so happy.  I don't know who donated their sweet coupons to provide them but I'm very grateful.

Friday, 22 June 2012

France Surrenders 23 Jun 1940

France surrendered yesterday.  We still do not know what has happened to our cousin.  He wasn't at Dunkirk and is probably still in France.

We are hoping that the blackberries will ripen soon so we can make some jam.  Nobody uses that much sugar but Ted, Bill and Maggie do like jam on their toast and the ration really doesn't go that far.

No eggs for us this week but the children all got one, so we made a sponge pudding with 2 of them.  Very extravagant!

                                                          Wot no eggs!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Dunkirk Evacuation 4 Jun 1940

As we have a cousin in France, we are really worried at the moment.  We do not know if he has made it out of France at all.

In the meantime, life goes on and rations go up and down.  We got 4oz of cheese each this week, which is nice but the prices at the butchers have gone up, so the meat ration doesn't stretch as far.  Maggie and Bill had a lovely surprise yesterday morning when we got up - they had already baked a batch of biscuits with the remains of last week's margarine allowance.  So the Nameless One is quite happy now as there were none to be had in the shops.